Pinscher, by Fallow Land

This is the debut recording by the band I’m a part of, Fallow Land. Not only was it a first for the band, but it was also my first truly professional recording experience. I had done some little things here and there, a demo for a summer camp audition, a demo quality recording of some covers, and other things like that, but this was my first time recording music at the professional level. We spent 5 days at High Bias in Detroit tracking the 4 songs that would comprise this EP, with the help of Audio Engineer Kris Koltay and our Producer Chris Bathgate. I learned a lot about dialing in sounds for recording as well as the accuracy and attention to detail required to perform well in a studio setting. While I was really nervous going into this project I had a lot of fun once we got into the thick of it. Even though this isn’t necessarily my absolute favorite record I’ve played on it’s probably one of my favorite memories of making music.


Yee, by Glitter Glam


Juice Cleanse, by Max Cornell